태그 보관물: 워크래프트3 프로즌 쓰론 (Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne)치트키

워크래프트3 프로즌 쓰론 (Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne)치트키

워크래프트3 Warcraft

워크래프트 III 프로즌 쓰론 (Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne)

  1. 치트 목록

thereisnospoon : 마나무제한
(Unlimited Mana)

allyourbasearebelongtous: 즉시승리
(Instant Victory)

whosyourdaddy : 모든유닛무적
(All your units are invincible)

strengthandhonor : 절대지지않음
(Disables Defeat Conditions)

iseedeadpeople : 안개걷힘
(Removes Fog of War)

warpten : 빠른건설
(Fast Build)

pointbreak : 식량무제한
(No need for Food)

whoisjohngalt : 빠른연구속도
(Fast Research Speed)

sharpandshiny : 모든업그레이드
(Full Upgrades)

thedudeabides : Cool Down 마법삭제
(Removes Spell Cool Down)

iocainepowder : 빠른죽음
(Fast Death)

greedisgood : 500의금과나무
(Gives 500 gold and Lumber)

greedisgood[X] :[x]만큼의금과나무
(Gives you an extra x gold and Lumber)

keysersoze : 500의금
(Gives you an extra 500 gold)

keysersoze [X] :[X]만큼의금
(Gives you an extra x gold)

leafittome : 500의나무
(Gives you an extra 500 Lumber)

leafittome [X] :[X]만큼의나무
(Gives you an extra x lumber)

riseandshine : 시간을아침으로
(Set time to morning)

lightsout : 시간을저녁으로
(Set time to evening)

daylightsavings [X] :[x]의시간으로
(Set the time of the day to that specified by x)

daylightsavings : 시간고정
(Toggle Daylight)

synergy : 모든건물건설가능
(Unlock Tech-tree on Campaign Levels)

motherland [x] [y] : 챕터y.레이스x이동
(Jump to the Chapter number specified by y, for the race number specified x)

somebodysetupusthebomb: 즉시패배
(Instant Defeat)

itvexesme : 절대이기지않음
(Disables Victory Conditions)